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GCBAA Spotlight: Seth Hildebrand Jr.

McDonald & Sons' own Seth Hildebrand Jr. was recently featured in Earth Shaping News, the quarterly publication of the GCBAA.

Seth joined McDonald & Sons in 2019 and has risen through the ranks to Project Manager during that time.

Originally from Spring Grove, PA and his family's farm, Seth’s recent projects include full renovations at Interlachen CC in Edina, MN, and Waynesborough CC in Paoli, PA, as well as 18-hole bunker renovations at Sunnehanna CC in Johnstown, PA, and Wethersfield CC in Wethersfield, CT. However, what truly distinguishes Seth is not just his impressive project portfolio, but also his unique journey, leadership style, and deep passion for his profession.

Among Seth’s most significant projects, Congressional CC stands out as a true testament to his resilience and leadership. Confronting numerous challenges, including the largest earth-moving project in Montgomery County, MD, Seth collaborated closely with other McDonald managers and a skilled team to successfully complete the project on time. Spanning over two years, the project presented a variety of obstacles, but Seth's ability to navigate them was crucial. Managing such a large-scale project at a prestigious course, while implementing one of the largest erosion and sediment control plans and working with demanding County Inspectors, provided invaluable lessons in project management and teamwork.

At the heart of Seth's approach is clear, ongoing communication with clients and stakeholders. For Seth, tackling challenges and solving problems together is essential to achieving successful project results.

"Be the guy people want on their job and want to work for," Seth advises. "Build relationships and friends on the way and you will achieve great things. Make yourself irreplaceable on the projects you are on and show your passion for what you do."


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